
External Relationships

New relationship types to connect external links to decisions and pages!

The ability to string together decisions and docs with descriptive relationships is already a powerful way to leave behind the valuable breadcrumbs of decision making, but we just made relationships more flexible with the addition of external links.

Now you can paste a link in with a relationship to a page or decision.

After selecting a relationship type, we now have the option to choose 'An external link'. When we paste that external link, it will automatically detects the name of the link, but that's easily replaceable in the situations where the name isn't included in the link. Here we see a ClickUp link added to a decision:

You will also notice two more new options for 'A new decision' and 'A new page'. Selecting these options opens a new creation modal for a new decision or page without leaving the relationships tab. This allows you to create new objects related to the page/decision on the fly without leaving the view.

Try it out and let us know what you think!

Check out the Uncertainty Project!

The Uncertainty Project explores models & techniques to help teams make and communicate strategic decisions. Check it out for topics around strategy, decision making, and uncertainty.